Today’s Leaders Always Learning article is inspired (and written) by my friend, Kristi Hedges. She is a very special Virginia Tech alumni, college sorority sister, and incredible entrepreneur and coach. Kristi is one of those people who has always exhibited great confidence, clear convictions, and utilizes her intelligence & experience for good. She’s also an accomplished author, speaker, and successful business executive, and honored to call her a friend. Ciena purchased her book, Presence, in 2011 for our business partners and we received outstanding feedback on that book. It is a strong tutorial for harnessing your true Power of Presence.
I just ironically came across when Cheryl Shapiro, our ACE Leader and Facilitator at AchieveUnite, sent it to us as a great example of driving organization change and what’s required in order to do that. Kristi speaks to the helpful tools in Harvard Business School’s Professor John Kotter book, Buy-In, and notes the importance of “inviting the lions,” a process for exposing your great ideas to external criticism and using that to fuel your idea. I hope you enjoy this Forbes article!
If you’re interested in learning more about Kristi Hedges, check out her website at:
Read the full article, How To Get Real Buy-In For Your Idea, on Forbes.
About the Author
Theresa Caragol is founder and CEO, AchieveUnite Inc., a strategic consulting and education firm that provides channel, partnering and business acceleration services to global enterprises. AchieveUnite offers partner and channel development, go-to-market strategy, M&A channel integration, and executive education forums. AchieveUnite facilitates the Alliance of Channel Women’s ACE Leadership Program. Caragol has more than 20 years’ experience in building and managing multimillion-dollar indirect channel teams and strategic alliance programs from inception to sales success.