ACW Events
Network with ACW’s Growing Channel Community
ACW hosts events for members and the channel throughout the year to offer opportunities for connection, education and inspiration.
ACWConnect Live!
ACW’s signature event, ACWConnect Live! is our biannual get-together with more than 400 members and prospective members. This unique event traditionally kicks off the Channel Partners Conference & Expo with a two-hour event that’s part reunion and pep rally, part networking and part education. We welcome all genders to join in! We hope to see you there!
ACWConnect Live! is where we
Celebrate our successes
Share our new initiatives
Hear from our leaders
Thank our sponsors
Recognize our volunteers
Reconnect with the ACW community
Find inspiration from thought leaders
Meet new and prospective members
ACW Special Events
ACW Special Events
ACW hosts workshops and special events in concert with ACW sponsors and strategic partners, such as other women’s groups, industry associations and event companies.
Co-host an ACW Special Event
If you’re interested in co-hosting an ACW event, please contact our Sponsorship Committee for details.
ACW Local Meetups
In 2017, ACW began hosting meetups in local communities. Today, ACW has 20 Local Chapters and counting! Join one (or start one) near you! Events are free and open to members and their guests.
Upcoming ACW Events
Check out our featured event highlights below or see all of our live and virtual events in our ACW Calendar.
Get Involved with ACW Today!
Advance your career. Build your business. Create opportunities for channel women.