Diverse Tech
Speaker Directory

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Cloud Girls
Diverse Tech Speaker Directory

Alliance of Channel Women, Xposure, Cloud Girls and channelWise are teaming up to shine a light on individuals and influencers in the tech channel who are members of groups that are under-represented on the industry’s stages and media platforms.

Why is this important? As the tech channel becomes more diverse, we believe the experts highlighted at technology events and in the media should evolve, too. Showcasing diverse talent enables new voices to be heard, different perspectives to be shared, role models to be elevated and minds to be opened.

What’s the problem? Great question. What we found is that many tech channel event organizers and media properties want to feature diverse experts, but struggle to find them.

What’s the solution? The Diverse Tech Speaker Directory was created to connect events with experts. But we need your help to make it a success. See below to discover three ways you can help.

Three Ways to Get Involved

One Icon

Create a Speaker Profile

If you’re part of an under-represented group (e.g., women, people of color, LGBTQ+, veterans, people with disabilities, etc.), add your speaker profile to our directory. 

One Icon

Find a Diverse Speaker

If you’re a tech event organizer, journalist, blogger, podcaster, etc., bookmark the Diverse Tech Speaker Directory page to find diverse experts on a range of subjects. 

Three Icon

Spread the Word

If you’re a fan of this Diverse Tech Speaker Directory, help it grow. Share this page on social media and ask your friends and colleagues to sign up or share. 

Diverse Tech Speaker Directory

Diverse Speaker Directory

Find a diverse expert to speak at your event, write a blog, appear on your podcast or comment on a news story.

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  2. Filter results by any field or multiple fields.
  3. Sort by fields.
  4. Search by keyword using the search icon.
  5. Click into a card to view all details.

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