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ACW is a dynamic and active community. We offer members and the channel community a range of opportunities to expand their knowledge and network through online content and live and virtual events – locally and nationally.
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Follow ACW and engage our members on your favorite social media channels:
Go Live with ACWConnect Live!
ACWConnect Live! is a high-energy forum that starts with a networking reception followed by an engaging program, featuring channel leaders and experts discussing today’s hottest topics. Our signature event takes place twice per year at Channel Partners Conference & Expo every spring and fall.
Go Local with an ACW Chapter Near You
In 2017, ACW began offering channel women the opportunity to meet up in their local communities. ACW has 20 Local Chapters and counting! Join one (or start one) near you! Events are free and open to members and their guests.
Go Virtual with ACW Member Webinars
ACW hosts a monthly webinar featuring expert speakers on timely topics, such as “The Road to the C-suite,” “Building Your Brand,” “Getting a Raise,” “Tapping Emotional Intelligence Superpowers” and more. Webinars are open to members of ACW and the channel community.
Get Real with ACW
In 2020, during the pandemic, ACW launched a new virtual event series called, “Keepin’ It Real with ACW!” Every month, ACW hosts a panel discussion with straight talk on topics, such as diversity, gender equity, empowering women and more.

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