What is ACW?
For more than a decade, ACW has been home to an energetic community of women and their allies who have come together to empower and advance women’s careers and leadership in the telecom and IT sales channel. We strive to give women the courage and the tools to standout in their profession and speak up for diversity and inclusion in the technology field.
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Our Latest News & Views
Fostering Balance: Embracing Inclusion for a Healthier Work-Life Dynamic
In this blog, Amber Shahid shares some helpful strategies to achieve work-life balance in today’s fast-paced and diverse work environment.
Ostra: ACW Enables Us to Build Our Future in the Channel
Curious about why Ostra supports the Alliance of Channel Women? Check out this video where Michael Kennedy, Founder of Ostra Cybersecurity, explains it all.
Career Leadership Coach Rema Lolas Headlines ACWConnect Live! on September 16
ACW announces Rema Lolas will deliver the keynote address at its ACWConnect Live! networking event in Atlanta on September 16.