Su Beler Takes On New Role: Membership-PR Liaison

Sep 19, 2016

su-beler-banner-06Su Beler, partner support manager for Telecom Brokers, is taking on the newly created role of WiC Membership-PR Liaison. In this new role, Beler will leverage her longtime experience as part of the Membership Committee to collaborate with the PR Committee on membership recruitment and retention campaigns. Her first foray will be managing development of the Membership Matters initiative.

The time is right for this new role, said Khali Henderson, WiC board member, PR Committee chair and senior partner at BuzzTheory Strategies. “WiC has incredible momentum due in large part to word of mouth and increasing visibility of the group in the IT and telecom space. And, our Membership Committee has done an amazing job over the past year of creating an onboarding process that is both personalized and scalable,” she said. “We are ready to bring on like-minded women in increasing numbers and need a coordinated effort between Membership and PR to enhance our recruitment efforts and more proactively invite women to be part of our community.”

Su Beler is the obvious choice for this new role of Membership-PR Liaison, said Helene Kidary, WiC board member, Membership Committee chair and vice president of channel sales for OnSIP. “Her years with WiC and volunteering on the Membership Committee gives her a solid understanding of our message and our vision,” Kidary said. “ Su’s collaboration efforts with our PR Committee and Membership will only help to strengthen the bond between WiC and its members.”

Beler has been a WiC Members and volunteer for the Membership Committee since April 2013, when she joined Telecom Brokers and her supervisor (and now mentor) Nancy Ridge, a WiC co-founder, encouraged her to get involved.

In her new role as Membership-PR Liaison, Beler will:
• Share ideas for member recruitment and retention campaigns between the two committees
• Collect/edit/share content (e.g. original blogs, curated content, social posts, etc.) developed by the Membership Committee with the PR Committee
• Share content developed by the PR Committee with the Membership Committee
• Manage the content editing process between the committees
• Provide final/approved content to the PR Committee for posting

“I feel very priviSu Belerleged to participate in this way,” said Beler. “The collaboration between our committees is so important. There are many stories to be told, and I want to help you tell them. When one women succeeds in this male-dominated industry, it allows more women to attain the freedom and professional satisfaction they are seeking.”
WiC members who are interested in contributing testimonial blogs for the new Membership Matters campaign can contact Beler at