RealTime Communications Featured Article: Women in the Channel

Apr 3, 2015

In a featured article in Real Time Communications, President & Co-Founder of Women in the Channel (WiC) Nancy Ridge shares the organization’s significance and what is in store for its future.

“The tech industry is an important one today – maybe more so than in the past – because technology has evolved to become a part of everyone’s daily lives. From the devices we use to communicate, consume media, and even to help us to stay healthy. As this market grows exponentially, the excitement in the space also increases. One thing that’s important to note about this market is that it’s traditionally a male dominated industry. I say traditionally because today there are many women in leadership roles and running successful businesses in the tech space. But there is still a long way to go to have equality in these positions.

I chatted with Nancy about the 9th Women in the Channel Networking and Enrichment Event that’s happening as a kickoff to the Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas and why it’s such an important event and a strategic way to bring women who are revenue generators in the tech space together.The women in attendance are responsible for bringing revenue and generating market growth to companies and most have full schedules at the show. By meeting the night before, it offers a chance for all of the ladies at the show to meet each other and talk before the actual conference begins so that they already know each other and can even schedule a business meeting at the show.”

Article by Stefania Viscusi

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