Priscilla George COO of NobelBiz will be presenting Communicating Across Generations on the member’s conference call Thursday, April 28th, 10AM PST.
Hey Millennials, do you often wonder how your Baby Boomer bosses can be successful if they’re not tweeting, Snapchatting or Instagramming? Hey Baby Boomers, do you often think Millennials are self absorbed and rude for typing on their devices during important meetings? Let’s face it, Baby Boomers, Gen X & Y’rs and Millennials have different perspectives, values, incentives and their own “languages.” In order to be successful, employees and employers need to navigate through and understand these differences. This session is designed to help you understand the differences and give you insight on how you can be successful managing or being managed by employees in the various generations.
Become a Member and you can gain access to this power session!
Cissy George is an industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in telecommunications. Prior to her role with NobelBiz, she was the Executive Director of Engineering at Verizon Communications. In that role, Cissy managed a +$6B capital budget, provided support to the wireline engineering organization, project managed the implementation of new products and services and was responsible for engineering custom designs for enterprise customers. As a Director, she was responsible for various engineering roles including DSL deployment, Radio, TV1 and E911 / PSAP design, TDM and Tandem switch planning and interoffice facility engineering. Prior to Engineering, Cissy spent ten years in Operations managing all Central Office functions including TDM (Class 4 & 5) switch and power maintenance, carrier operations, network administration and network operations center functions. In her role with NobelBiz, Cissy’s primary responsibility is to manage the current and future client base insuring they receive the highest level of service.
Connect with Cissy on LinkedIn!
*For Members, the Registration Link can be found in the Members News.