Laura Petrolino of Spin Sucks to Speak on Members Conference Call, January 21st

Jan 8, 2016

Laura Petrolino Director of Operations of Spin Sucks  will be presenting Social Media Success in Fifteen Minutes a Day on the member’s conference call Thursday, January 21st, 10AM PST.

Everyone tells you the importance of using social media and how much it can support your organization’s and personal goals—but how can you find the time? And where do you start? Laura Petrolino provides action steps to help you set up a social media strategy you can execute in just 15 minutes a day. No need to be a social media “guru” or PR prothese tips will get you started, without overwhelming your already too busy schedule.

Become a Member and you can gain access to this power session!

ABOUT Laura Petrolino

Laura Petrolino is director of operations at Arment Dietrich, an integrated marketing communications firm, as well as their award winning public relations and communication blog

Connect with Laura Petrolino on  LinkedIn