How Norys Trevino is Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women

Feb 24, 2023

Alliance of Channel Women is highlighting women who are Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women. We’re seeking nominations from the channel community for women – from the mailroom to the boardroom – who embody the oath in their words and actions.

Norys Trevino, National Partner Manager at Nextiva, was nominated by Chloe Allen, ICAM at 8×8.

In what way(s) is your nominee an example of Living the ACW Advocacy Pledge of women supporting women?

Norys is a living, breathing example of a woman who is in other women’s corners! She is always there for you, no matter what. She wants the best for everyone and wants to see every woman succeed in this industry.

What is a specific example of what she did for you and when it happened?

When I started at 8×8 in 2020, she took me under her wing and mentored me for many months. She was not told to mentor or train me; she did this by choice and because she saw potential in me and wanted to see me succeed. After leaving 8×8 for an awesome opportunity at Nextiva, we keep in touch regularly, and she is always at the top of my mind when I want advice or to vent in any way.

What impact did her action have on you and/or your career?

Norys helped me grow in my career in more ways than I can count. She helped me with my presentation skills which later translated into me hosting a training twice a week for our channel partners. She taught me how to be a relationship builder and made many introductions to partners for me. I genuinely believe that my promotion in January of 2022 was largely because of her guidance and leadership – she took me under her wing and continues to cheer me on from her new role!

Want to Nominate a Woman Who is Living the ACW Pledge?
Do you know a woman who has played a supportive role in your technology career, please tell us who she is and how she had your back!




ACW will accept nominations throughout the year and will recognize:

  • Every nominee in the monthly ACW Member Newsletter
  • Name a Big Impact Award Winner every quarter

For more information, visit ACW Advocacy Pledge.