How Natascha Lee is Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women

Aug 17, 2021

Alliance of Channel Women is highlighting women who are Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women. We’re seeking nominations from the channel community for women – from the mailroom to the boardroom – who embody the oath in their words and actions.

Natascha Lee, Director of Global Channel and Partner Marketing at TIBCO Software Inc., was nominated by Susan Collins, Senior Director of Portfolio Marketing at TIBCO Software Inc.

In what way(s) is your nominee an example of Living the ACW Pledge of women supporting women?
I am proud to say that Natascha recently won the Computer Reseller News Women of the Channel 2021 award. As part of the executive team, she demonstrates a leadership style that creates a woman-empowered work culture. She inspires women to believe in themselves, build confidence, and go for it. Furthermore, she proactively looks for opportunities to help women in their career paths and is the first to celebrate their successes. Her willingness to nurture other women is diverse – from her position as a leader of TIBCO’s women employee resource group to other mentoring programs, especially helping women early in their careers. She comes up with unique ideas that bring women together to foster a supportive community. Her energy, enthusiasm, dedication and many volunteer hours spent to elevate women at TIBCO is the reason why I nominate her for the ACW Living the pledge.

What is a specific example of what she did for you and when it happened?
Natascha proactively offered to help me in a recent rebranding exercise that I initiated to garner an updated review of my leadership style. She provided direct feedback and fresh insights that I found pivotal to understanding my strengths, how I lead teams, and what makes me unique as a women leader.

What impact did her action have on you and/or your career?
Natascha quickly helped me understand how my leadership style comes across to others and how my leadership style impacts the business. This feedback immediately helped me complete my rebranding exercise. Her guidance also serves me long-term helping me understand what makes me uniquely powerful as a female leader that I can apply in my career journey and future business and work opportunities. Natascha inspires me to provide similar feedback to benefit others and pay it forward to other women.

Want to Nominate a Woman Who is Living the ACW Pledge?
Do you know a woman who has played a supportive role in your technology career, please tell us who she is and how she had your back!




ACW will accept nominations throughout the year and will recognize:

  • Every nominee in the monthly ACW Member Newsletter
  • Name a Big Impact Award Winner every quarter

For more information, visit ACW Advocacy Pledge.