How Andrea Sittig-Rolf is Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women

Jun 22, 2023

Alliance of Channel Women is highlighting women who are Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women. We’re seeking nominations from the channel community for women – from the mailroom to the boardroom – who embody the oath in their words and actions.

Andrea Sittig-Rolf, Chief Executive Officer at Blitz Masters, was nominated by a colleague.

In what way(s) is your nominee an example of Living the ACW Advocacy Pledge of women supporting women?

Andrea is always thinking of ways to help other women succeed. She positively influences each person she meets and goes above and beyond to maintain a personal connection with those in her extensive network.

What is a specific example of what she did for you and when it happened?

In March, my role at a large tech company was eliminated. Andrea was the first person to jump in and support me. She offered to brainstorm ideas and give me advice. She sent me numerous linked-in job posts and offered to make introductions to her contacts at any of the companies I was interested in pursuing. In fact, she brokered a very significant introduction, resulting in a series of interviews.

What impact did her action have on you and/or your career?

Andrea’s kindness was a reminder that we can all make the time to help and support someone else. I am grateful to know Andrea and to have her in my corner.

Want to Nominate a Woman Who is Living the ACW Pledge?
Do you know a woman who has played a supportive role in your technology career, please tell us who she is and how she had your back!




ACW will accept nominations throughout the year and will recognize:

  • Every nominee in the monthly ACW Member Newsletter
  • Name a Big Impact Award Winner every quarter

For more information, visit ACW Advocacy Pledge.