How Amanda Jardine is Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women

May 12, 2021

Alliance of Channel Women is highlighting women who are Living the ACW Pledge: Women Supporting Women. We’re seeking nominations from the channel community for women – from the mailroom to the boardroom – who embody the oath in their words and actions.

Amanda Jardine, Senior Director of Channel Marketing at LogMeIn, was nominated by Melissa Van Dover, Senior Manager of Strategic Partner Programs at RingCentral.

In what way(s) is your nominee an example of Living the ACW Pledge of women supporting women?
Amanda is a strong supporter of women within any organization that she is involved in. She has acted as both a mentor and a champion in facilitating growth for women within my organization and has contributed strongly to the success of many of my female co-workers.

What is a specific example of what she did for you and when it happened?
Amanda was instrumental in my growth at my organization. At the time, I reported to her directly and worked to build a channel program specific to Strategic Partners from the ground up. The management I worked with and the sales team I supported were almost all males. She helped me ensure that the strategy I established and instituted was done so in a collaborative and effective way. With her support and guidance, I built a program that has doubled its pipeline over the past two years and developed effective and strong relationships with the teams I support.

What impact did her action have on you and/or your career?
Amanda has been instrumental in my growth at my organization from a career standpoint. She has worked to position me for promotions over the past three years and has helped me grow from a Marketing Lead to a Sr. Manager. I can confidently say I would not be in my current position without her support over the past few years.

Want to Nominate a Woman Who is Living the ACW Pledge?
Do you know a woman who has played a supportive role in your technology career, please tell us who she is and how she had your back!




ACW will accept nominations throughout the year and will recognize:

  • Every nominee in the monthly ACW Member Newsletter
  • Name a Big Impact Award Winner every quarter

For more information, visit ACW Advocacy Pledge.